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Specialist in the acquisition, processing and integration of geoscientific data

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Our services


Our approach


The experienced and multidisciplinary geostack team  shares the same objective: To offer its clients an optimized approach to geoscientific site characterization.


It achieves this by having a global vision of the projects and by working in close collaboration with all the disciplines that will be involved during the various stages of the project.

Our team

Martin Blouin

Martin Blouin,

eng, PhD

Founder and Technical Director

Martin has more than 12 years of experience in geophysics and machine learning applied to geosciences. At geostack , he is responsible for innovation and technical rigor, while ensuring that the pleasure is always there.

Cecilia Dip

Cecilia Dip, PhD

Project manager in geophysics

Ceci combines a doctorate, two master's degrees and a bachelor's degree in geophysics. She occupies an important place at geostack since she is involved in the entire geophysical characterization process, from  design of acquisition to data processing.

Philippe Morin

Philippe Morin, eng

Director of Operations and Geotechnical Engineer

Phil has over 12 years of experience in geology and geotechnics. In addition to orchestrating operations at geostack and ensuring project management, he ensures the link and balance between geoscientific characterization methods and the objectives sought by the various consulting engineering disciplines.


Bastien Bolléa

Geoscientist Assistant

Bastien graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires in France. At geostack, in addition to playing a central role in the planning and execution of field campaigns, he also participates in the processing of geophysical data and the production of deliverables.


Jean-Sébastien Gosselin, PhD Geoscientific Developer

JS has more than 10 years of experience in data processing, modeling and software development applied to geosciences. He is also an important part of the artificial intelligence projects at geostack.

Claude Bouchard-Trottier

Claude Bouchard-Trottier

Geosciences technician

A graduate of the mineral technology program, Claude joined the geostack team in the summer of 2022 and quickly became an asset. Her rigor and curiosity are qualities appreciated in our projects. 

Tommy B

Thomas Béraud, PhD

Project manager in geophysics

Since 2018, Thomas has been actively collecting geophysical data for environmental and geotechnical applications in the field. After obtaining his doctorate in 2022, he joined the Geostack team full time as a geophysics project manager.

Amir Mardan

Amir H. Mardan, PhD

Researcher in geophysics and ML

Amir focuses his work on intelligent methods to characterize the subsoil from seismic data.  In addition to  the work he is doing with AI, Amir is involved in field data acquisition campaigns.


Our collaborators


Lorenzo Perozzi PhD

Data Geoscientist

Lorenzo has 10 years of experience in the analysis, modeling and spatial visualization of geoscience data, as well as the quantification of uncertainty.
Lorenzo is passionate about developing open source and innovative solutions .

JS Marcil

Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Eng.

Geological Engineer

Jean-Sébastien collaborates with the team of  geostack  for carrying out projects and develop innovative solutions relating to the development of deep resources such as geothermal energy and mining exploration.


Contact us

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The head office

6780 1st ave, suite 135


QC, Canada

G1H 2W8

(581) 702-4455


We are always looking for motivated and talented people

To apply at geostack , please send us your resume at

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